Get Hired In The Netherlands Even With Basic Dutch - Online Training For Expats

Learn all the recruiter's secrets, tips, and tricks. Follow an innovative job search system, bring your application to the next level, and GET HIRED!!

Why choose GET HIRED Training?

This unique training providesyou with theoretical and practical first-hand knowledge to help you:

  • Stop feeling lost, hopeless, frustrated in the search and application process.
  • Stop sending 50 applications a week and get no responses.
  • Stop getting rejected because of your current Dutch language level.
  • Stop feeling like you don't really know what you are doing and wondering how it should be done.
  • Stop worrying that you will never get the job you want and you will have to come back to where you came from or take a job you are overqualified for.

Hannah had gone through the training and got hired!
Here is she sharing her experience:

What is included in the GET HIRED training?

The most holistic training for international job seekers in The Netherlands includes:

Video & Audio lessons
Bonus video and audio lessons
Powerful and holistic workshop
Usefuland donwloadable resources, tools, workbooks, and templates 

Possibility to schedule a 1:1 calls with Alice Karmelita

Private and Safe Community
- to share experiences, network,
- brainstorm,  
- support each other.

- Easy to follow Step by Step Process & clear tasks,
- Theory and practice of search and application from recruiter's perspective,
- Focus on a strong success mindset.

Course Curriculum

What will You learn?

 your ideal
position & Comapny

how to
search and apply
with a system and results
How to
build a storng success mindset
How recruiters think
How to stand out
How to
build a cv that converts to an interview
How to
get hired
even with basic Dutch
how to
tailor your Cover letter
And much more coming soon!

..and more!

Who is your trainer?

Alice Karmelita

CPC, ELI-MP, Career & Leadership Coach, Trainer, Entrepreneur,
Founder of Karmelita-Coaching & Conscious Career Institute

Alice got her first job in The Netherlands before she had even moved here. It was a professional position at a big Dutch company in Human Resources.
Her level of Dutch was basic and, except for studying coaching, she had no professional experience related to HR.
All Alice had was a mission, vision, determination. She has learned Dutch within a few months after joining the company.

She has learned how to do the impossible and now she is ready to teach you!

Now, Alice is primarily focused on helping international professionals get unstuck in their jobs, regain motivation, and set a new, fulfilling and joyful  career path.

Nonetheless, Alice is still dedicated to helping expat job seekers by sharing her expertise, experiences, free, valuable resources, and most importantly, teaching how to build a strong success mindset.

Alice is a double-certified coach, passionate about human resources, cross-cultural relationships, and she loves to discover and unleash human potential.

+200 expats hired in NL

from +20 countries around the world

in +10 different sectors

with +5 years in coaching & HR

How does it work?


Enroll in the GET HIRED Training

Choose the modules you need right now. You can always get extra access later to the rest of the training.
After you purchase the training your access is granted immediately.


Set foundations and start following an easy and effective process

No matter where you are in the process, after you set some foundations, you start following a step-by-step process with constant community support.


Gain confidence, awareness and apply from a higher level

Knowing how recruiters think and what are your biggest assets boosts your confidence, and your application makes sense and draws attention.


Get hired even with basic Dutch

You set a clear plan of your career development and the pathway to your dream job.
Follow every step of this plan and get hired even with basic Dutch.


got a job offer in NL

I've never felt so confident on the job market!
The training is very convenient and easy to follow. If you thought that you knew how to properly apply for jobs, you are about to discover another level. Alice provides so many useful tips and tricks, that you can choose those that resonate with you. If only you follow her instructions and commit to the tasks after each module, you would see the results pretty quickly. It turned out that I was applying for jobs that weren't even close to my ideal position. After I worked that out, I was able to make great connections and see new opportunities at companies that match my vision. 
Now, I'm so excited to start my new job. 100% Recommended!

Patrycja Budrewicz

Recruiter, HR expert

As a recruiter myself, I have to admit that I didn't even thought of some of the techniques and tricks that Alice teaches. They are all very useful and I can tell you that if you had followed her tips, I would have hired you! Your application is going to be more purposeful and focused on the essence of the position and your core skills. 
From a recruiter's perspective - totally recommend it!

Course Pricing

Most popular

All-IN benefit


  • From your ideal position, through search, CV, cover letter, to mindset. All-IN!

    • 44 Video & Audio Lessons
    • Unlimited access to 6 modules
    • Unlimited access to 4 bonus modules
    • Downloadable resources
    • Checklists, workbooks, sheets
    • Examples of CV & CL
    • Step-by-Step Strategies
    • Holistic mindset workshop
    • Coupon for other modules
    • Acess to the GH Community!
    • Professional support
Enroll Now

Create A Success Mindset


  • Feel more confident than ever! Get hired effortlessly!

    • 14 Video & Audio Lessons
    • Unlimited access to 2 modules
    • Unlimited access to 3 bonus modules
    • Holistic workshop on demand
    • Advanced coaching techniques
    • Powerful exercises
    • Coupon for other modules
    • Acess to the GH Community!
    • Professional support
Enroll Now

CV & Cover Letter That Converts


  • All of the recruiters' secrets about CV & cover letter in one place!

    • 26 Video & Audio Lessons
    • Unlimited access to 2 modules
    • Unlimited access to 3 bonus modules
    • Downloadable resources
    • CV & CL examples
    • Strategy: easy & effective search
    • Coupon for other modules
    • Acess to the GH Community!
    • Professional support
Enroll Now

Search Jobs Like A Pro


  • Stop sending 50 applications a day for random jobs. Search like a pro and find only perfect matches!

    • 15 Video & Audio Lessons
    • Unlimited access to 2 modules
    • Unlimited access to 3 bonus modules
    • Downloadable resources
    • Search Sheet PRO
    • Strategy: easy & effective search
    • Coupon for other modules
    • Acess to the GH Community!
    • Professional support
Buy Now

Discover Your Ideal Job


  • Do you want to apply for only best-fitted positions? Are you not really sure yet what could it be? This training is for you!

    • 15 Video & Audio Lessons
    • Unlimited access to 2 modules
    • Unlimited access to 3 bonus modules
    • Downloadable resources
    • Workbook with 4 chapters
    • Checklist to prepare for the search
    • Coupon for other modules
    • Acess to the GH Community!
    • Professional support
Buy Now

Chia-Ying Lai 

expat, got hired in NL

The step by step exercise helps me dig out what values and strength I have, and what I don't like. I can build up confidence by starting applying for the most relevant vacancies.
I will recommend to people who suffer from frustration for a while. That way, you already experienced what didn't work. Try to embrace a new method offered by Alice and pick up the things that really improve our mindset and strategy!
Though I didn't finishthe course, it did certainly help in a way! I got a great job!! 

Hannah Belitz

Expat, Got hired in NL

The structure of this training is great: you can easily move from lesson to lesson within each module and you will always have good oversight of the remaining lesson and what you've completed already. 
The homework is not just to keep you busy, it really helps to deepen what you have learned throughout the lessons and the modules and is an extension of the course material. 
I have attended a lot of trainings and workshops in my life and this one hit the nail on the head in terms of delivering what it promised! 
Even after only six modules, I feel like I've gained so much new knowledge, new insights, and new confidence in regards to my job search. Through videos, audio and visual aids, this training is easy and pleasant to follow and Alice's passion and spirit for what she does are contagious. 
Overall, this is a great training that I would recommend in a heart-beat to everyone who needs a little kick in their butt to find new motivation, skills, and insights into finding a job as an international in the Netherlands.

Mahesh Vasnani

expat, got hired in NL

I used Alice's career service and was highly satisfied by the guidance she provided. She puts all her efforts and curates her solutions according to her clients needs. I had a chance to have a demo interview with her just a day before my actual job interview, in which she accommodated me with impactful feedback and some great tips too. I highly recommend her service.

Marieke Spee

HR Director

[...] It was a great journey of reflection and realization and I recommend Alice to anyone who wants to live a joyful, effortless, happy and successful life. (about coachig with Alice)

Is this training for me?

Does any of these statements resonate with you?

  • I am looking for a job in The Netherlands.
  • I want to find a job I will like, not just any job.
  • I am not sure how to stand out as a candidate.
  • I have been applying for months and I am losing hope.
  • I feel like I am doing it all wrong, I keep getting rejected.
  • My Dutch is at A2 level or higher and I want to learn more, but I keep getting rejected because of my Dutch. I don't know what to do.

If you are ready for this training you can say:

  • I want to get hired in The Netherlands.
  • I have around 3 hours per week available to follow the training consistently.
  • I am ready to take responsibility and charge of my career. I am ready to take action!
  • I am ready to invest as much time as I can into searching an applying for jobs.
  • I am ready and committed to consistently learn Dutch as it will help me develop my dream career.

This is not another course that describes the theory about CV and teaches you that a handshake matters on your job interview...

It's the first and ONLY such holistic and practical training.
From A to Z.

You can enroll in this training or...

Spend 10 hours browsing videos on youtube, get overwhelmed with unfiltered info, and still not know what to do and how to do it
Keep randomly sending mass applications and get discouraged after every rejection .
Settle for a random job with a low salary and boring, too easy tasks for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

No, the training itself does not give you a job or guarantee a getting a job. The purpose of this training is to educate you, deliver the best techniques, carefully created tools, empower you, guide you, inspire you. Following the exact system and all the tips will increase your chances of getting hired tremendously. It is up to you, however, how committed are you going to be to your goals, and how much time and effort are you going to put into the process.

Yes! We deliver the best information, techniques, tools, resources that give you all you need to get hired. It’s up to you how committed are you to follow all the steps and get hired.

Yes! The training addresses every step of the job search and application process. You can jump between modules if needed. However, every single search and application starts a new independent process. Every time you go through the same path. You seek an opportunity, you make contact, you apply, build a relationship, attend an interview. The training is designed in a purposeful and coherent way that allows you to improve each step on a conscious and subconscious level.

Yes! Although we are pretty sure that you will find it very useful and valuable, you have a right to a full refund within 14 days of the purchase.

You can keep your access and join any time in the future. We have several updates already planned. Some of the modules can be useful also outside of the job search and application process. You could also help a friend. If you bring a friend to take over your access to the training, you get your money back, and your friend receives an extra discount. You can ask for a full refund within 14 days of the purchase.

Yes! We appreciate your enthusiasm! By bringing others to the training, you help them, and yourself. For every person, you receive 20 EUR. Your friend gets an extra 5% discount too! So if 4 of your friends join the group, the training is nearly free!
Plus you get to support each other with your friends. Remember that you have to be enrolled in the training in order to have your affiliate link.